Paid Cash To Read companies will pay you to read their e-mail advertisements
You will receive e-mail pertaining to categories of interest to you that you will
select when you sign-up.
You will have to click a link in each e-mail to be paid
for it for reading it. Although some don't mention it, you should stay on the site
for 15-30 seconds to make sure you seceive credit for the visit.

The reason I list so many Paid To Read companies is I believe they will
continue to thrive even in the current advertising recession. I recommend you
sign up for all these programs. They're free and they don't require a lot of effort
to use. Consequently you will receive more e-mails, more referrals and more money!

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Company Age World
PayPal $0.30 for each e-mail and for referral. Any Yes Yes$10 Signup Bonus,10 Referral Levels, 10 per first level Referral, Low Payout Minimum, Get Paid To Read Email, and more! Any Yes Yes $0.30 for each e-mail and for referral. Any Yes Yes
GetPaidWatch-Fast Payments, 5 Referral Levels (30% - 10% - 5% - 3% - 2%) and Get Paid To Read Email! GetPaidWatch Any Yes Yes You will receive 1 gram of gold when you join.
You will receive 1 gram of gold when you refer a friend.
You will get paid when you receive a gold4ads paid mail.
You will get paid everytime you work or play on your computer.
You will get paid as other members make progress in the system.
You do not have to be online all the time to benefit from this program.
We pay out 90% of out advertising revenue to our members.
Any Yes Yes
MailForEurope-Earn CASH for every e-mail! Any Yes Yes
IncentiveMail-Get CASH for every e-mail and minimum payout is $25 Any Yes Yes
AvaMail-Get 10 points for every e-mail and +10% from each referral Any Yes Yes
10DollarsaDay-Easily earn $10 a day and $2 for each referral Any Yes Yes
Ouah-Make money for reading e-mail and referral Any Yes No
Extra$ extra money for reading e-mail and referral Any Yes No will pay you for every e-mail Any Yes Yes
YoYoMail-Easy money just for the e-mail Any Yes Yes$2 just to join and 2$ for next referral, $.10 for each e-mail Any Yes Yes paid to read e-mail to refer friends Any Yes Yes
EarningForce-Get $1 for just joining and make CASH to read e-mail Any Yes Yes
YesMail(ID:patchchoi79989)-Make money to refer and read Any Yes Yes
ReadClick(ID:165211)-Get paid for every e-mail message Any Yes Yes %30 of the ad money Any Yes Yes
E-mail PaysU-Get paid to click earnings Any Yes Yes
Easy Mail-Get 10, 25 cents and more per e-mail Any Yes No
Cash Money Email-FREE $10 start-up bonus and get paid to read e-mail Any Yes Yes
Hits4Pay-Earning $10 to sign up for FREE and 300 ~ 500 % higher than traditional e-mail Any Yes Yes
MyPaidEmails-Get PAID by 8 other companies and make money to read e-mail Any Yes Yes

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